Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tope 5 Pet Peeves......

Along time ago I was tagged with my Pet peeves....sorta like a top 10 fav's but pet peeves instead. I forgot all about that tag, till I seen a few postings done on it yesterday and remembered. I know I have more then 5 pet peeves, lol....but its much funner to think about your favorite things then your pet peeves, right? However, I'll try and play along with pet peeves....but geez, just to list 5??? I have way more then 5! Here goes.....

#1. CHOMPING, SLURPING, wierd mouth noises, figiting! Chopping & mouth noises especially while eating has ALWAYS bugged me. Then you get kids and you go thru the whole teaching them not to do it, cuz EVERY kid does it when thier learning. Now, I notice my kids telling their friends or each other at times to STOP making gross noises while they eat. When I was doing daycare alot, you get the kids a drink of water, and they'd GULP it, OMG...can we say BUG ME TO DEATH...its like nails on a chalkboard to me! I'd have to leave the room! This is a HUGE thing for me.

#2. CLUTTER! (Aaron is going to laugh when he see's this one) U know things can bug me, but at the same time and I can be guilty of them too! so there! I dont claim to be "clutter free" EVER! HELLO...I have 4, soon to b 5 kids we have clutter! However, it BUGS ME, it makes me CRaZy, InSaNE, makes me feel outta control ( I guess this would b why I feel outta control all the time). I do hate clutter. Clean to me is clutter piles of crap everywhere, nothing outta its "home", nothing stacked to the ceiling..... I HATE CLUTTER its a huge pet peeve of mine even though I'm terribly guilty of it. I feel like I'm constantly dejunking my house, and de-cluttering. One day I'll get there, I SWEAR! Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, you know, but at least I can admit it too!

#3. JUDGEMENTAL ppl! Enough said about that..... It's easy to look at someone & make a judgement call. I know I used to be REALLY bad about this, but over time, and growing up & my husband showing me a better way I've learned that u can't judge someone based on ANYTHING. Until you've walked a day in their life, their minds then DONT judge them. Yes, there are obvious things that make you form a strong opinion...but at the same time we must have compassion, and understanding for everyone. It doesn't mean you have to like them, agree with them, or have anything to do w/them. Anytime I see someone, or hear of someone that has made a mistake, or has had something happen to them even at the fate of their "not so smart" decision making, it makes me feel badly, and makes me wonder what has gone on in their life that has caused them to make such horrible decisions. I'm guilty of judging, I think everyone one is perfect but there is ALWAYS a reason behind ppl's bad decisions, wrong choices, & bad paths taken. It realy just makes me sad for them more then anything. I've made mistakes in my life so I've been on the being judged end of the stick plenty of times in my life & I'm very grateful for those times in my life cuz it did make me realize that judging someone is never a wise thing to do, u just don't know everything about everyone or why or what so leave them alone and be compassionate! U know, some of the BEST people I know have lived a rough life, made hard decisions, took wrong paths but looking at the "core" of who they are is much more empowering then looking at the surface of someone.

#4. HINTING around that you need or want something. JUST ASK! I get that sometimes your just feeling out a person, seeing if they might be interested (GUILTY) but at the same time if I really need something I'm not going to hint around about it hoping the other person will take the bate, I'll should u! Like if you want a drink of water, & u know someone is going to the kitchen anyhow...instead of saying..."gosh, I really would like a glass of water, but man I dont wanna get up" THAT BUGS ME so bad, I will not bring u a glass of water just to spite you, lol. I'd prefer rather u just ask, lol.... some of the small things in life u dont need to feel around & see if someone is willing to do it for you! ASK!

#5 FAKINESS! I HATE fake ppl! Seriously I can see right thru u! I am not going to say that I havent ever done the "OH HOW ARE U, GOSH...IT SOOOO GOOD TO SEE U" thing either, but honeslty I dont take it further then that. Most the time I am glad to see them, but not happy so much to talk to them for long, lol. U know what, if you honeslty dont like someone be cordial but dont play it up all fake like! Its so funny to watch almost, but sometimes its just plane painful to watch. I get somewhat embarressed for ppl like that. If you dont like someone then why try so hard to seem likr u do, haha! I wont elaborate on this one any longer...I could get myself in trouble!

Gosh, I guess it has proven sorta difficult to come up with pet peeves, when you really think of it. It's taken me all day to come up with those 5..... I know things bug me, but I guess I dont spend all my time focusing in on them. The ones I listed are MAJOR buggers for me....and the silly thing is I'm guilty of doing them some times. (NOT CHOMPING though ....& not taking the "fake" thing to far! uh uh! WONT DO IT!) No one is perfect, we're all working towards that, right? SO I guess we just remember that ppl are ppl, & if we were all the same then think how boring life would really be? & what would we have to talk about? lol

1 comment:

Amanda and Chad said...

Those are great pet peeves.. I agree with all!! It's hard to think of your pet peeves on the spot huh? I know I have SOOO many, but I couldn't even think of them at the time I did it. But I hate CLUTTER and I hate HINTING too.. Chad and I are mean to people that hint. ha ha. And thanks for being nice about my hair. It's kind of a disaster- it's way too short. Chad absolutely hates it, so it makes me feel bad I even did it. I just needed CHANGE!! Oh well, it's just hair and it will grow back!