Friday, January 16, 2009

Aaron is faced with the BOY ISSUE! (he thought this day would never come)

YAY! The weekend is upon us, and its a long weekend with Monday being a holiday. The girls are out of school today for teacher development day & Monday also for MLK day. I don't mind my older girls being home with me at all its actually a relief to me. They help so much with the baby's and that free's me up to do some things I can't do otherwise. I also enjoy their company. Derian is getting to be so much fun, and quite the little chatty kathy.
I had their parent/teacher meetings last night and of course they are both doing so well. I'm especially proud of Ashlynn she has come WAY up on her reading level and spelling. We only have a few things to work on with her & she'll be right where she needs to be. Derian, of course, is doing SUPER. Her teacher didn't have enough room to write all the good things. I'm so proud of both my girls. They've both come so far, and are both doing so well. I'm impressed with how smart they are. I only wish that for Derian, she wouldn't be so afraid to speak her mind sometimes, and wish for Ashlynn that she wouldn't be SO hard on herself or compare herself ALL the time to her older sister. She's always in her sister's shadow and I wish she'd break away from that and be her own person. We are working on that and I guess its just a normal thing for sister's to do especially being so close in age. I just hope it doesn't continue their WHOLE life.
Ashlynn is a good enough person on her own she doesn't need her sister to help her with that.

OH BOY, our house will be INTERESTING come 3-4yrs thats all I can say. With Derian entering teenage years, and Ashlynn quickly to follow, and then A'jaye and Kymbree tagging behind. AHHHHHH!
Derian has been talking about this boy at school that she and her friends like. He's a 5th grader so older then she is by a few years. I'm super glad that she can talk to me about it without being funny. She used to be so funny about boys and would cry if we teased her, remember that? lol. Well she isn't so shy anymore about it and its sorta cute, but she was talking to her dad and I on the bed last night just being chatty kathy. Aaron and I were listening and of course I knew some of the stuff already but Aaron hadn't. Aaron was sorta watching TV and half listening like men do, and then she mentioned this boy and he still was half listening, and then she said "Oh, and he's a 5th grader" and Aaron stopped dead in his tracks, turned to her and said "OH HELL NO" I was laughing so hard....the look on his face was priceless. She just giggled and continued with her story of him. She showed a picture of him, and then he said...."OH HELL HELL NO, he's a skater dude" He was NOT impressed. She left the room after a minute and I looked at him and said....You better get used to this! He said...I already hate having daughters! Then she comes back in the room and he starts in on a 5 hour daddy/daughter session on how she doesn't need any boy, and how no one is good enough for her, and how boys are evil and are no good, & on and on and on. I thought it was so cute that he was genuinely worried about this situation and after I told him that its just a 3rd grade crush, and she hadn't even talked to the kid. SO FUNNY!
He went to bed that night and said..."I can't take all these girls, it'll give me a heart attack to sit and worry about every boy out there" then he looked at me and said...."you have NO idea how bad I despise them little bastards, I know what they are thinking" and I was like..."OH COME ON,we aren't to that "point" yet she has a crush, she isn't going out with him she hasn't even stood by him" and he said..."GOOD we'll keep it that way"
I just had to chuckle..... poor guy is going to give himself a heart attack over a simple elementary crush, what will he do when the real dating happens.
Someone please pray for my husband, I think he needs help coping with so many daughters! I guess I just really don't understand what he's going thru, but I'm a girl, and I DONT know what goes thru male minds, to be honest I DONT WANT TO KNOW! hahaha

It's like I told Aaorn, can't worry about all them boys, you just have to worry about your daughters. Love them, be there for them, build them up and they'll do just fine on their own with the boys. He gave Derian this huge lecture on how she in NO WAY, SHAPE or FORM should find a boy like her dad. After she left I looked at him and said....The best thing she could do is to find a boy like you! I meant that too! I reminded him how respectful he was to me always & to my family. He didn't always want to have the basement talks with my dad, but he did & respected every word spoke to him. All I can hope is that my girls DO find a man like their dad, just like I found a guy like my dad. No one is perfect, and everyone has their issues, which is all most people see in themselves, but the person inside is whats important and I'd say that I did pretty dam good with that. I hope my girls can too! We're all a little early for any of those worries. I just found this story to be funny, and wanted to share. we havent' even BEGUN the boy business, thank goodness I don't think that my dear husband is ready for that stage in his daughters lives.

Until next time.......


Amanda and Chad said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Aaron is sooo funny! Thanks for giving me a good laugh today. I just died when I read about how Derian said he was in 5th grade and Aarron said "HELL NO".. ha ha.. I can totally picture him doing that. Soooo funny!

Trent and Robyn said...

Don't worry about the boys. Just announce to them when they come callin that there are plenty of men in the family that carry weapons, some for a living and some to protect their baby girls... HAHAHA
It is a shame that your girls are so beautiful. That just complicates being a parent. We offered Katie $1,000 to not kiss any boy until she is at least 18. and we tell all her friends and "boyfriends", too. She is interested in that money and she still thinks boys are stupid. We hope that helps a little bit. You are both great parents. And congratulations on new baby. I can't wait to see your little belly and be jeolous!!! LOVE YOU,