Oh my goodness. We are about 2months into the school year now and I am ready to loose my mind. I've decided that being home with just Kymbree, an ambitious two year old and my 11mo old baby, A'jaye whom is content to play quietly IF only she could...... her sister won't seem to leave her alone for more then a minute so it leaves A'jaye screaming for help and Kymbree loving it that she has accomplished her goal of making her cry LOUD!
I don't know how a sweet, little, blonde haired 2yr old girl can make me laugh and cry all in the same breath. SERIOUSLY! How is that she can have such control of me? Ok, ok.... I get it...I ALLOW her too. I buy in to that comment to some degree, BUT I also have to say that from day one this child has just been a challenging one to deal with. I mean, really, I had two babies back to back, two in diapers at age 23 & DID IT ALONE for 5yrs with them just about. (just for the record, I wasn't divorced, separated or without my dear husband entirely, he was working out of town and at home on weekends only, and working a part time weekend job too, so he was NEVER home, but not by choice) and I did not have NEAR the hard time coping with them as I have these two babies that are 23 & 2wks apart (yep you got the math right, almost 2yrs apart to the day) and with my husband by my side every evening and weekends.
I will admit to all the world right here right now, I AM DEFEATED by a little, blonde hair, grey eyed, sweet munchkin butt 2yr old toddler. Some days I cry, some days I laugh, some days I do both. Aaron and I were talking the other night about the differences in the two sets of kids that are almost 5yrs apart. Two families almost it seems. We have Derian and Ashlynn whom are 19 months apart raising them both up was enjoyable. They were and still are (at times) best friends. I never regreted for a minute having them close together even when I was told how hard it would be. IT wasn't hard at all, I for awhile, even recommended it to people (can you believe it). I have sense retracted my recommendation because I've realized along with my husband that EVERY set of two children, 5yrs apart ARE indeed different. OR....... is it that the parents have changed?
Aaron will tell me that I am not as strict with Kymbree or A'jaye as I was with the first two. Maybe that is true, maybe not, I don't know. I do know that with Derian and Ashlynn I don't feel that I took enough time out to cuddle, kiss, love and play with them and so when Kymbree came along I had realized that they are only little once and I wanted to enjoy that more......however I took it OVER THE TOP. HOw??? Well, Kymbree didn't even attempt to sleep in her own bed till she was well over 18mo. I nursed her till well over a year old (which isn't a bad thing), and she rules the house TO MUCH! With A'jaye I learned from my mistakes with Kymbree and I don't allow her access to our bed and she has slept in her crib from day one, just fine. However I take time to love, and cuddle, kiss and play with her just fine. I guess I learned how to balance discipline and love.
I never thought that I needed Super Nanny but now I have admitted that I may indeed need her! My two year old, although sweet as can be, RUNS ALL OVER ME! and is SASSY, BOSSY, SPOILED, but soooooo hilariously entertaining too. I guess I will take pride in the fact that although she is a monster child for me SHE DOES obey and do well in other ppl's care. So respect, she has, and sweet she is, good for her mom, SHE IS NOT!
All in all, we love her, and we couldn't make it thru life without her! My little Kymee K..... the one that says.... "you meany mommy, YOUR MEAN MOMMY, I Wuv you meany mommy" (all with a scowl on her face) GOTTA LOVE HER!
awwww... gotta love that Kymbree!!!
So.. how do I do the followers thing??? I am so confused at this whole blogging thing- can't figure it out! So anyways, what do I need to do for that follower thing?
I couldn't figure out how to add myself on your follow thing either...?????
b I love my little Kymbree Kathleen. SHe was sent to our family by her Great Grandpa Lloyd and was born on his birthday and has all of his teasing and mischievouse wrapped up in her. I truly believe that. Life would not be the same without her. Just love her and enjoy those precious moments cause you will miss it one day I guarantee it!!!!!
kimmie is the bomb, a little fart but so funny!!! She gives me and kevin hours of entertainment we love her and love all your girls- trish
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